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تحديث الصفحة تحميل برنامج تجميل الصور وتنقيتها PhotoInstrument 2016

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قديم 12-26-2015, 06:25 AM
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 رقم العضوية : 3030
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افتراضي تحميل برنامج تجميل الصور وتنقيتها PhotoInstrument 2016

PhotoInstrument 7.4 Build 794

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

البرنامج رائع فى تجميل الصور
حذف اى شوائب فى الصورة
تجميل الوجه وحذف حب الشباب وغيره
تغيير اللون وتغير لون العين
خفيف جدا وسهل الاستخدام
مميزات عديدة

PhotoInstrument is an easy to learn tool for editing and retouching photos. The software is a powerful and easy-to-learn raster graphics editor used to process digital photographs. With only a few clicks, anyone can solve most digital photo problems: Photo Editing; Photo Retouch; Draw MakeUp; Make your photo look like it’s taken by a professional photographer. If you ever wonder to touch up your photo, so you look more beautiful on your facebook or friendster or even on myspace, well this software is the answer to your question. Photoinstrument comes with a video tutorial that will teach you how to use this program in just a few minutes. The video tutorial shows you how to apply various effects to images. So, PhotoInstrument can be also used by novices.

With the help of PhotoInstrument, you can create glamor skin, remove unwanted objects from a picture, create multiple clones of yourself, clean skin impurities, and many more. With the help of PhotoInstrument, you can use various tools to fix problems that are commonly found in images (e.g. asymmetry, skin defects).

الحجم : 6 ميجا

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

PhotoInstrument Download

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